Wohnimmobilienpreise, Inflationsmessung und Geldpolitik im Euroraum

Alexander Herborn; Gunther Schnabl

März 2022


Die Niedrigzinspolitik der EZB hat in vielen Ländern des Euroraums zu einem starken Anstieg der Wohnimmobilienpreise beigetragen. In der jüngsten Strategieüberprüfung der EZB wurde die Integration von selbstgenutztem Wohneigentum in den Harmonisierte Verbraucherpreisindex auf der Grundlage eines neuen Index in Aussicht gestellt. Laut Alexander Herborn und Gunther Schnabl dürfte jedoch auch in Zukunft die offiziell gemessene Verbraucherpreisinflation verzerrt sein. Das könnte dazu beitragen, dass die Vermögensungleichheit im Euroraum weiter steigt und die Risiken für die Finanzstabilität zunehmen.

Keywords: , , , , , .

JEL Codes: , , .

Erschienen in

Wifa Working Paper, No. 175.


via Wifa Working Paper

The Impact of the Bank of Japan’s Low-Interest Rate Policy on the Japanese Banking Sector

Gerstenberger, Juliane; Schnabl, Gunther

Februar 2022


Gunther Schnabl and Juliane Gerstenberger analyse the impact of the Bank of Japan’s low-interest rate policy on the banking sector in the wake of the 1998 Japanese financial crisis. They provide evidence that the Japanese monetary policy has contributed to declining efficiency in the banking sector, despite – or possibly because of – the increasing concentration within this sector.

Keywords: , , , , , , , .

JEL Codes: , , , .

Erschienen in

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Bd. 54 (2021), Heft 4: S. 533–562.


via Duncker Humblot

A Database and Index for Political Polarization in the EU

Sebastian Müller; Gunther Schnabl

Januar 2022


In many European countries, political parties at the extreme left or right of the political spectrum have gained votes in democratic elections. This process is widely referred to as growing political polarization. The IWP database for political polarization covers the parliamentary elections in the EU-27 countries and in the United Kingdom since 1990. It provides a systematic scheme of categorizing extreme political parties. Parties falling in the category of extreme are those that either reject or question liberal democratic systems, market-based economic principles and/or the European Union. The database allows to depict the political polarization trend in the EU-27, in different geographic sub-groups and individual member states (including the UK). The aggregated index as well as the sub-indices provide evidence for an increasing and persistent political polarization in the European Union.

JEL Codes: , .

Erschienen in

Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 41(4), pp. 2232-2248..


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